Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Anindita Abdullah (34113)
.. yet searching,rnthere\'re so many ways to be.rnIn the end,rnI am somebody ..rnrnrnagain, just another headtrip rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
well done, great bw... great sense :)
jeli dan brilian..!!!!!!!
bw ama teksturnya sungguh menggoda iman!
keren... : )....salam hormat grak'...-AdindA-
ini yg susah!!!....bikin foto simple tp bercerita...........sip deh! ...............salam kenal!
jejak tak berakhir. dihempas dijejak lagi.
I Like This . . Nice Surrealisme Photograph .. Salam
pola-pola yang bener asik...
cool pattern, smart choice of tone, cheers'
menjadi pemotret akan melatih pengamatan terhadap alam sekeliling. setiap saat ada komunikasi dan ide yang saling berinteraksi antara keduanya. keep this sense. foto ini dibuat dengan cermat. salam. NBY.
simpel dan cantik hasilnya ...angle yg bagus salam
there's a long, long trail a-winding / Into the land of my dreams.
nice picture..... can tell many thinks... regards
nice track....keep in art...
Ways of life; always crossing, always seem to go along with another, but never actually directing to the same destination... and with so many of them, it's so easy to get lost on the way. Or perhaps we're bound to get lost. Just learned that the hard way myself. ;( uhm, jadi ngomong nggak jelas. Lebih wide lagi, mungkin?
jejak-jejak kehidupan ...
simple pic but it say a lot of things
i acted so distant then...