Pentax 10MP DSLR dan 18MP Digital Medium Format Camera

Oleh:  Steven Jodistiro (12857)    19 tahun yang lalu


Pentax is rollin' into PMA next week with two under-glass products still in development: a nameless 10 megapixel digital SLR shooter and the first US appearance of the long overdue 18 megapixel medium format DSLR, Pentax 645 (pictured) -- first presented back in May of 2005. We're sure to get some pics from the floor of that 10er next week.

Quoted form:

Re: Pentax 10MP DSLR dan 18MP Digital Medium Format Camera

Oleh:  Hans T Winata (62931)    19 tahun yang lalu



Re: Pentax 10MP DSLR dan 18MP Digital Medium Format Camera

Oleh:  Steven Jodistiro (12857)    19 tahun yang lalu


cuma pengen liat aja gimana Kodak CCD (King of noise) perform in terms of quality.

Re: Pentax 10MP DSLR dan 18MP Digital Medium Format Camera

Oleh:  Rakhmat Hidayat, aAt (79642)    19 tahun yang lalu


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