Aaron Hobson dan gaya Cinemascape

Oleh: Radix R (2382)    17 tahun yang lalu


nemu link tsb gara2 baca di blognya Mike Johnston http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2007/10/around-the-we-1.html
"Talk about developing a style quickly...Aaron Hobson first picked up a camera only a little more than a year ago, and he's already coined a workable keyword for his work ( "Cinemascapes" ) and created a recognizable style that's gotten him published in magazines around the globe (including a feature in French PHOTO coming up in November). His first New York show opens at the end of the month."

cakep2 fotonya dan saya suka gayanya. hampir ga percaya kalo baru pegang kamera 1 taun-an ;)) Jadi pengen juga bisa bikin gaya baru :D ah mungkin kak RDP bisa bikin paten RDP style tu...

oh iya, saya taro di kamar merk lain, soalnya di biografi & link di atas ada tulisan ''Note also that he uses modest equipment—an Olympus E-300 and 14–45mm lens. His panoramas are stitched together from multiple frames.". ga nyambung ya :D

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