Oleh: Eka Wirya (6985) 16 tahun yang lalu
Ambil dari forum luar lagi :) Wanted to inform the Nikonians also: http://www.dxomark.com/index.php/eng/Image-Quality-Database/Nikon/D3X Most impressing are 13.7 Bit of real dynamic @ ISO 100. Nikon obviously spent much more and much better A/D channels, than others. This might explain, why the D3X is so expensive. Compare to Canon and Sony also! http://www.dxomark.com/index.php/eng/Image-Quality-Database/Compare-cameras/(appareil1)/287|0/(appareil2)/279|0/(appareil3)/265|0/(onglet)/0/(brand)/Nikon/(brand2)/Canon/(brand3)/Sony -- Frank