D40 metering hack

Oleh: Cin Loi (964)    16 tahun yang lalu


iseng-iseng baca reviewnya D40 di webnya kenrockwell, eh liat statementnya di bawah ini:

February 2008: D40 metering hack with manual focus lenses: Yes, a crafty reader sent me one he tweaked to do this and it works, but no, he doesn't have any plans (yet) to sell the thing. The D40 does not meter with manual lenses, but you always can guess and look at the playback on the LCD

Jadi penasaran, langsung deh googling... eh nemu website di bawah ini:

Uda ada yg pernah nyoba ??

Atau ada yg tertarik buat nyoba ??


menarik juga kalo D40 bisa dipasangin AF di body ;)

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