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Eddy Ng (15883)
dont know if all that negative space in middle works. please comment
20 tahun yang lalu
21 tahun yang lalu
yeah the negative area helps to differentiate their work. Great one.... love your Journalistic
one in action & one in prefering... great shot...
Setuju dengan pak Luhut. Cantik sekali gambarnya sebenarnya.
Good moment and setting, no doubt. What disturbs me is how the man on the left takes almost the entire height of the frame. It's just discomforting.
moment dan bwnya kuat menurut gue sih, salut ed
I share same opinion with Judhi. Light metering is perfect and the B&W format is well selected. If you only composed the one on the left and did not include the right one, it would have been better.
just love this one ... everything perfect for my taste..
Hi Eddie, I don't really like the composition. But you have a very good light metering there! The light were evenly distributed, you must be lucky getting such natural lighting condition.
very nice candid!
Nice candid, momen pas, fotonya hidup dan bercerita
saya suka... memang komposisi tidak selalu harus sesuai dengan guide-lines... yg penting enak dipandang mata.. dan, foto ini spt bercerita...
sayang objek dikiri frame terlalu sempit komposisnya tapi good
moment yang menarik !!! nice captured!!
satu moment yg menarik. nice
hasilnya udah ok nih kak... tapi saya pribadi kurang sreg dengan POI yang terpisah dua gini (IMHO)....