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Tim Chong (3627)
A Hindu devotee walks on nail-embedded sandals in Singapore during the annual Hindu festival of Thaipusam on Thursday 05 February 2004. Hindus in Singapore and neighbouring Malaysia mark the festival with various rituals of penance and thanksgiving, including shaving their hair and piercing various parts of their bodies. Date Time Original: 2004:02:05 09:18:21rnISO Speed Ratings: 400 @ 155mm
20 tahun yang lalu
I'm literally drooling over your lens. well composed picture
21 tahun yang lalu
Warna yang bagus dan gambar yang tajam... Nice shot
tajam dan komposisinya menarik... and bener juga yah pakunya ga dibalik :)... heheheeh.. ternyata yang ini agak "boongan" yah ? :D
looks good but i noticed the nails are not inverted
Komposisi sdh. pas, fokus cukup sharp dan pencahayaannya sdh baik dan benar. Good shoot!