Adolph's Assasin 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


M-12 155mmrn
rnGun Motor Carriagern
rnThe M12's ordered were used for training purpose only. In 1943, with the invasion of Europe imminent, the US. Army decided to have the M12's upgraded for possible use in overseas theaters. The heavier suspension of the M4 with rear mounted return roller was used to modernize the vehicle. Baldwin Locomotive Works, the company updating the units, also mounted a small shield on the gun mount and removed the co-driver's hatch.
rnWith an elevation of -3' to +35' and traverse capabilities of 28' to 14' the 155mm gun on the M12 carried ten rounds of artillery and had a maximum range of 15,200 yards.
rnA 353HP air-cooled Continental R975 radial engine yielded a maximum speed of 24mph. In June of 1944 they were send to Europe and used for several major battles including the taking of Cologne.
rnsaya sengaja tiang yg di kiri gak dicrop, biar seolah - olah sedang dijaga oleh tank ;-)rn
rnMohon saran dan kritiknya..

Still Life
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Speed: A
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Sony Cybershot DSC-F505 *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
Fandi Hoo (137)

20 tahun yang lalu

bagus mas..... suka ama model kits yah.. sama dong.. tp sy suka yang otomotif.. *mobil and motor* >salam<

 Robby Suharlim (4441)

20 tahun yang lalu

fotonya keren,tapi sayang DOF nya kurang tepat deh milihnya soalnya bagian belakang tanknya agak2 blur.

 Agan Harahap (77838)

20 tahun yang lalu

foto keren gini kok gak ada yg nilai sih??? kebetulan gue demen bgt sama perang....tapi ini tank pernah dipake di ww2/ww1??