Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Tim Chong (3627)
Lion-tailed Macaque, Macaca silenus at the Singapore Zoo ~ Date Time Original: 2003:10:07 17:47:14rnISO 200
20 tahun yang lalu
very sharp..and good compotition..good picture
21 tahun yang lalu
Mantap. Nice pose. Nice color. salam...
Mantap dongan (ngerti kan...) nice compotition and grade moment.....
wah, lightingnya keren sekali... DOFnya bagus sekali... ekspresinya tertangkap dengan baik... foto satwa yang bagus...
nice compotition & nice lighting
The IS contributed to the sharpness we all could enjoy! :) Selamat, pak!
Very nice - well composed!
Cool right moment, how the way he stared
DOF dan lightinya menarik
wow wow, just a really good animal picture Tim
Awesome DOF and Lighting. Great photo
wauww....tajam bener..momentnya tepat juga posenya lagi gitu komposisi dan warna asik di mata DOFnya bagus. lensanya ok bener
Komposisinya cantik...momentnya apik!nicepic...
POI sungguh standout. Cahaya yang jatuh juga sangat bagus. Komposisinya keren sekali.
sharp and well composed. great shot.
Nice color, Nice Composition, Nice DOF
nice.. nice moment, nice angle, look at the expression.. cool
great capture in the nice moment and compos
Nice composition...sharp..nice BG blur...good shot
Exccellent photo. Very good lighting and eye-cathing diagonal composition.
wonderful pict... sharp and nice composed... well done!
NIce moment, Good compotision.... Very nice Colour....
nice format,nice moment, nice shoot...
ups..... momennya pas banget.... tajam.... DOF-nya TOP...:)
Good moment and composition..sharp..nice shoot..