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Tim Chong (3627)
A Royal Australian Air Force's F-111C strategic bomber performs a stunt during an aerial display at Asian Aerospace show in Singapore on Tuesday 24 February 2004. The biennial event, which showcases civilian and military technology from around the world, officially starts today.Date Time Original: 2004:02:24 13:15:00 ~ ISO 100 with EF 1.4x TCFor more pix, see here for 2/23 & 2/24 pixs.
19 tahun yang lalu
That is some burn!! Wish I had been there as well.
20 tahun yang lalu
wuih keren ..great picture of f111c
Good shot.
Langit terlalu datar Interesting moment
momentnya yg bikin menarik
U can crop it more so the object can flooded the frame. If u familiar with PS, u can make the sky blue, more 'eye catching' pic.
momen yang luar biasa, susah tuh di indonesia...
Keren banget... sangat sulit mengabadikan pesawat terbang.....
luar biasa. ngga gampang motret gini. memperhitungkan detil pesawat, awan biru dan api yang merah, bukan pekerjaan gampang dalam hitungan detik.
Fantastic picture, nice shot.
Nice capture. It's not easy to focus-track a jet fighter.
great manuver ! tapi dibelakangin !
Nice shot. create a good diagonal angle. sharp. good work.
nice moment..... good composition.... I wish the sky was blue...
Great moment......!
nangkap momennya bagus bagus,sir
nice catch sir!
nice catch....I can feel the thrust!
Wow what a catch!
Nice capture. Nice diagonal composition. High speed so it's a little blur. What a rocket? Rgrds