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Dominikus BW (37242)
20 tahun yang lalu
Nice moment.. BW-nya top!
keren, simbah dan cucu kali ya?, eksekusi top!
great pic.
komposisi bagus, moment sempurna, fokus tajam, nice BW, ekpresi obyek bagus, DoF BG sempurna
humanis, nice moment, salam
komposisi...kontrol cahaya...moment...semuanya mantab...great BW.
21 tahun yang lalu
Jaid mikir, ini mbidik kameranya dari mana ya? apa jalannya tusuk sate?
sungguh2 moment yg humanis.. great shot..
Khas Mas Benk-benk..... Eksekusi yang mantap..... Saya selalu suka stylenya....Gimana Mas, candidnya? Mau gak candid Lala entar? :)
sangat manusiawi. bagus banget.
humanis benk...
control dof ma komposisi manteb benk
Nice bw. Nice moment. Nice composition.
Nice capture. He could be a grandad not a dad....;)
demi seorang anak, nice pic, komposisi ada di kanan, sip deh..
If we go by the notion that photography is about recording an event or a moment, may I say that you have recorded it so well! This shot certainly reminds me of my chilhood days, where my mom use to take me to tuition on a bike like this. I would sit at the back, like any kid I was so reluctant to go ... Ahemmm so look at me now...end up operating an IT business which I actually hope I could be a scholar or philosopher by now :-) Anyway, this certainly has invoked my innerd feelings, with that alone, it is already a successful photo! My compliments. - steve -
Perlindungan bapa kepada anaknya................ Sangat menyentuh.
oke banget
yogya memang menarik... wish my honey moon there...
Emang Anda seorang Super Maestro.....
terharu saya dengan bw nya. perfecto lah mas
Hiks,... nangis gw, inget Bapak. Top.. menyentuh. Salam
BW nan humanis, great shot .......
momentnya top neh... secara tekhnisnya gak ada komplain.... Sangat baik secara artistik dan sempurna secara teknis