Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lourien Siwu (2569)
There was a St. Patrick\'s day parade in Pittsburgh and I got to take some shots there. This is just one of the bands that marched. This is just another picture that I took fr fun. Edited in PS, it\'s too bad because the light was coming from behind them but it\'s ok
20 tahun yang lalu
sayang kabur.. fokusnya di baju bukan di muka orangnya
keren momentnya sayang kurang fokus dikit anyway good job :)
kurang tajem, lou... kirain scottish aja yg make kilt and bagpipe, ternyata irish juga ya...
konsepnya menarik... komposisi... mmm... agak gimana gitu.... but it's still a good shot.. considering it was took by that tiny camera :)
Fokus obyek kurang tajam, kalo motret obyek bergerak sebaiknya anda menggunakan speed tinggi. Komposisi sdh benar, pencahayaannya sdh pas. Selamat belajar!
Understand as a Scottish Bagpipe.captured a nice image.Pittsburgh has many landmark U may shoot.goodwork
kalau gua yah...gua krop deket..setengah body kali..dr depan...
ohhh..I missed the St Patrick parade in here.. keren momennya..komposisinya saya suka...warna mungkin bisa lebih ditonjolkan dengan PS...agak buram sedikit juga yah...tapi saya suka dengan DOFnya....NICE PIC!
obyek yg menarik, ter-rekam dengan baik....
nice moment...cool pix..:)
You should title it "Here Comes the Skirty Men" They remind me of the group Cypress Hill! Good shot!