Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
gloria martie (171)
her nick name is map. she brings map everywhere. she loves travelling. her most precious things are her 'lomo cameras'. she carries them around the world to simply build the biggest snapshot portrait of our planet and to revolutionize the picture communication from the hip. prost.rnrnMap: "Yeah... with me, you are just about to discover the most interactiv, vivid, blurred and crazy face of photography worldwide. i heartily and most warmly invite you to dive into my unique online photo-features, to taste my lomo cameras and -most of all- to become a lomographer. visit www.lomohomes.com/gLoWiNtHeDaRk
20 tahun yang lalu
again welcome Rusian Camera! LOMO is NOT laughing stock at all. its a matter of teste ,n' its history ..but sorry I dunno MUCH more but since u r daring lomographer..SOLUTE ! 3TU 4daring lomographer+ur idea n'keep shooting, give us (me ) more! n' tell us ( me ) more !
To be honest: for the time being I can not taste your lomo....my apologize.
Selamat untuk 1st upload-nya. Nggak terlalu ngerti Lomo, jadi gak bisa komentar. Tambahin keterangannya dong... Keep shooting, don't think, go crazy. Good try!
ngabur nich.....
Glomo! Lomo lomo, orang mesti ngerti kok lomography. Tenang aja. keep posting!... Mungkin lebih asik kalo deskripsi lebih jelas. Lomo tipe apa. itu gambar apa. or what is Lomo .. hehe Sharpness nya yg seadanya, emang ya Lomo gini ini yaaa? Welcome to a Lomographer! btw, itu si mahluk hijau, pegang map, mau traveling kemana?
sudah dilihat lama-lama, berusaha untuk memahami hubungannya dengan judul ... tapi kok saya nggak nyambung juga yah? (padahal sampe cari informasi lomo photography di google, hehehe ...). imho, intensitas cahaya terlalu kuat. maaf, belum bisa kasih komentar dengan benar nih ...
lomo yah. lucu. :)
rasanya saya pernah liat kamera ini di aksara kemang... yang 4 itu kan..terus terang saya lagi berusaha mengerti Lomo pohotography.. ayo dong upload lagi.. jarang Lomo di sini...
Maksudnya apa yah...gambarnya juga kurang tajam & blur
Agak bingung sama konsepnya...