Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
20 tahun yang lalu
Isn't this Lesley? (Ruel Tafalla's series of her shots are beautiful). I love the composition and expression. Lighting is just right. post more pictures of her, please =)
So beautiful..model.
nice captured!
Komposisi sdh baik dan benar, fokus cukup tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, expresi obyek menarik, good shoot!
foto bagus, tapi sayangnya kalau B/W lebih condong ke fine art, lebih baik kalau backgroundnya natural, seperti dibalik jendela, dinding atau lainnya....
Nice pic. Tp tali pakaian sebelah kiri tidak rapi.
beautiful smile! nice B & W. good quality of image *sharp*. could say that you create a good angle for your lighting too. About the border, it would be better if you give more space on her hair. well done.
Canti...komposisi & ekpresi yang baik, nice BW
senyumnya natural
so sweet, nice moment captured