Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Putri Cahyaning Surya (1046)
My mom tag number's car, Just for fun! Ayah helped me, retouched by PS.
20 tahun yang lalu
goooooood..............i love u tie
Foto flat. Salam.
Coool Uti!
sharply taken by you...nice shot..!!
Wow, gambar yg langka dan mahal.. nice BW Salam
nice ! keren bwnya, PS retouchnya juga cakep
Jeli & ide OK...
Lovely and creative idea for your foto and nice bw, regads
GREAT pics. ..and you're still 9 years old.. Well done girl !
Sharp .... Jeff Gordon's fans ... hmmm I like the frame and the choice for BW
PUTPUT..is it you?..:D..It's a great idea PUT...nice framing.