Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Putri Cahyaning Surya (1046)
got ya mom...hahahahah
20 tahun yang lalu
mama...nunduk apalagi..nangis..hik..hik.....kasihan dech....sip TIE
Sayang, kepalanya kepotong. Salam.
komposisinya agak terlalu ketat, lebih baik lebih lebar lagi...
the cropping is a little tight on the upper side...kalo komposisi model ke kiri lagi gimana...? nice shot..!!
it's great uti! keep up the spirit!
can u see the shadow and got ya mom....? i cannot get the idea?! btw i like the colours! tapi shadow di bawah kanan agak ganggu deh... IMHO...
gambarnya cukup bagus dan tajam, tapi kok wajah nya tertutup ???? itu yg membuat komposisi nya rada kurang menarik !!!! anyway other than that it is a good shot......
Ehm ehm, so what's this ? playing hide, seek, n shoot ? Hehe. Try to utilize the sport mode for this kind of situation because it seems that it's misfocused to the grass.
Momen menarik. Agak soft