Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lim Chang Liang aka jasphotography (246)
This was shot with a colour slide film but its monochromatic effect has enticed me to convert it to black and white. rnrnTo retain or enhance the morning mist, I have deliberately over-exposed the scene and also to give it a high-key effect. Slight noise was introduced to heighten the mood.
20 tahun yang lalu
Olahan yg bagus, sperti lukisan cat air :)
waaaw ... i like mood of this pic
the grain seems to add to this image
bagus... 3D
A classic photo. I like the mood.
Is there any reason why the photo is so hazy? I did a long shot while u interpret it in a close up. Another classic example of 2 person at the same spot coming up with different interpretation of a subject.
Bagus kok, ajarin ya.
Hmmm ... I don't know. I think this is way over exposed ... the POI is too foggy for me. I think I will like the velvia one better.
Bagus olahannya.
Nice B&W pic. Suasana masa lalu bgt... toooopppp dech
Good and unique idea
Hi, still remember me? Nice shot, I took many shots at the same place. None turns ok..... just too bad.
What an imagery. This is quite a fresh look at life in the country, not quite bustling, but still alive. The tonality of the photo is indeed suitable for a presentation in black and white. I love the haziness of the picture, gives it an airy feel, and open for imagination.
Wah saya kurang sreg dgn grainy nya.
Bagus, nice shot...
menarik, noisenya bagus, kabutnya juga bagus...
menarik memang olahannya.....unique style... salam