Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lourien Siwu (2569)
cropped in PS
20 tahun yang lalu
Not bad...not bad...is the pic slightly tilted to the right? Could just be my eyes...Nice object!
Dengan memasukan elemen lain misalnya ranting pohon sebagai framing mungkin bisa membuat foto ini menjadi tidak statis..gitu lho..oin....sori ya kali ini 2 TU..
Komposisi sdh baik dan benar, fokus tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, good shoot.
Cropnya terlalu ketat... anglenya sih ok, cuma coba lingkungannya juga bisa diperlihatkan...
Salam, The object of this photo is the building. Rather than cropping this image, I would rather see this image as a whole or maybe as an object together with the other buildings as a cityscape or landscape in which I believe it would give it more impact. There are no sense of scale in this photo neither there is any sense of space as the sky was too ordinary and I believe there are thousands of people out there with such similar image :) I would also have to agree with Aribaskara on his comment here. Anyway, You are on the right track and keep posting and keep shooting... look whats behind you and get your camera ready! Happy shooting, Donny
Satu sisi gedung yg cantik dan megah, sudut bidik pas warna cerah Salam
wah sha, obyeknya keren banget nih... cuma komposisinya kayaknya bisa lebih dinamis lagi deh sha, kalau kamu potret dari salah satu kaki kolom ke atas gimana? atau sekalian agak jauh sedikit, biar seluruh bangunan dan sekitarnya tertangkap...trus ranting-ranting di sebelah kiri itu sedikit mengganggu :)