Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sebastian Song (1814)
Date Time Original: 2004:04:03 08:40:26rnrnMy first IR attempt at the Botanic Garden garden
20 tahun yang lalu
Artistic and very nice IR shoot
Fantastic..& Artistic.Very nice picture...good tone.the angle of view is great.
great IR
MISTY....Suka sama tone warnanya bang...Tajam Salam
great IR... the nuance of the photo changed dramaticaly taken normally it would've been a bright and lively photo
wow, efeknya dan komposisinya menarik sekalii :)
nuansa warnanya unik & bagus sekali...slaam
Tone & komposisinya menawan.
No more words that i can say, Just great...
Cakep IR .. just nice..
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Kompisis dan warna menarik. Apa ada foto tent utuh tak terhalangi daun atau angle lain ? salam,
nice infrared photo,thx,
waw waw waw waw .... bow for bas
WoW!..... Mistycal IR! D' U change the hue in PS or what? pls share to us.