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Sebastian Song (1814)
Date Time Original: 2004:03:28 10:57:20rnrnThe many back alleys of Singapore
20 tahun yang lalu
Excellent Composition, Format and Colour....
a bit wider overall would be stronger in conveying some feeling to this minimalistic composition, I guess.
Good idea..but not all blue..the pipe strong apperance...nice shoot
well composed. lovely color for abstract.nice shot
Agak miring. Mungkin gambarnya jg kurang rapi. Tapi mungkin juga itu smua mbuat komposisi lebih apik. Yheah....nice pic
sederhana & good idea. colournya menarik
It is simple, but nicely composed... I like the color too..
warna birunya keren.... simple......but nice....
beautuful colours... you have a good eyes...
Apperance of pipes too strong. However, the basic idea is excellent.
Upaya menampilkan biru sudah baik, tapi masih perlu dicoba lagi beberapa komposisi yang lebih baik. Crop kanan lagi mungkin.
Dari segi komposisi sdh baik dan benar, fokus cukup tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, warna cukup tajam, good shoot.
cakep komposisinya..warnanya menarik... salam
Biru yang apik
simple.. well composed.. i like the bold colors..