Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lourien Siwu (2569)
i was sitting in front of my comp and i was thirsty, so I took my Dasani from the fridge to drink. I looked inside the bottle, the water was frozen and it looked kinda cool, so i took a shot of it :D Original, out of my boredom, I thought the ice and water looked cool, the texture and design, pretty artistic anyhow... i cropped it and fixed the lighting a lil from PS. it's not the best picture, but i still love it. thanks
20 tahun yang lalu
manteoz lubang jarumnya
simple and nice shot.. but it looks too dead center for me.. i would rather put the subject a little off-center.. btw, the colors work well..
Komentarnya sih cuma "COOL"
Nice shoot... Seperti diplanet mana gitu :D
nice idea... I prefer to color balance in Photoshop with blue tone.....
simetris sekali.... gelembung2 air membuat obyek semakin menarik.
Walaah kaya foto-foto sains gitu tapi artistik dan merangsang imajinasi.
objek unik kak, nice
hmmm...so weird yet attractive, reminds me of jelly fish or looking into a marble close up.
Inovatif en kreatif.....
interesting... good capture
Tajam, obyeknya cukup menarik, idenya cakep..Nice captured. Salam.
obyeknya menarik... kepikiran aja mo motret... dasar iseng :P... anyway.. lightingnya mayan... mungkin warnanya bisa dibikin lebih kontras lagi (mungkin loh) :)... anyway... love it :)
nice.. idea,...
Nice pict.
Dari segi komposisi sdh baik dan seimbang, fokus tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, good shoot.
Oiin...this is fantastic !! nice idea...great capture..
Tumben2an nih aplot :D Kirain mutiara dari thumbnailnya, nggak taunya beling isi air. Ketajamannya bagus. Komposisi bubble2nya juga menarik. Saya bingung gimana ngambilnya sih ini?
obyeknya menarik!