Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Vieldhie Fukumoto (4307)
Date Time Original: 2004:08:26 17:57:35nnTanjung lesung, sayangnya agak mendung saat itu...
19 tahun yang lalu
Bagus tapinya Vie, biar agak mendung juga! Groetjes!
judulnya bagus...capture menarik meski sedikit gelap...salam,
view oke...ini bisa lebih dramatic......
Meski horizonnya miring, saya tetep suka dng sunset dan langitnya... Pemilihan judulnya inspiring banget Bu...!!
20 tahun yang lalu
pemilihan subyek dah tepat........timing juga ok.........kekurangannya cuma satu ..horizonnya agak miring mbak vhien..:P...terus focal point tidak ada selain sunset itu sendiri
Ibu Fukumoto, fotonya bagus. Bisa lebih sempurna kalau nggak mendung atau ada objek pelengkap lain yg menandakan bahwa ibu memang benar2 merasa "back home". Keep on shooting... Dont take away the feeling or the passion :)
Nice shoot kak :)
mbak, cantik beneran,.......... fotonya
Viel... How are you, Viel? By looking at sunset, who did you see at the time being? Loneliness or just living a life? It's quite technically perfect for a photographs. You have tried to make a word from them. It's a bit already visually spoken, Viel. First of all, it's lack of size. Should be 700 pixels at one side. Second, you have to pull the color saturation out. Press Hue/Saturations in photoshop and type 20 or 25 in Saturation column. Three, I kind of miss you too... Four, Can't wait to see another art works of yours. And I will be waiting here. For yours...
Horison terlalu tengah!
nice beachy shoot ....
komposisinya bagus, good shot