Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Salwa Ulaya (129)
ISO Speed Ratings: AUTO Foto diambil malam hari tanpa blitz, Exposure 1/30, Mode Stabilizer : Mode 2
20 tahun yang lalu
Warna artistik, komposisi sdh seimbang, ide jeli, fokus tajam serta cahaya sdh pas.
crop dikit mungkin di bag kiri yah...salam kenal..met gabung di FN..salam tj
kurang tajem fotonya, komposisi dah bagus...pake tripot akan lebih bikin foto ini tajem....
Aha… I know this one. I already been there, are u also taking some picture from king place and square. It’s beautiful ya. Btw, u already can get drama from the minimum light but your picture still needs some modification for the angle, composition and maybe will be better if u also use tripod or something to make your work more secure and stabile, so u will see the deference.