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Damon Rizki (9249)
Temennya Heru
20 tahun yang lalu
Nice framing, great face....but is it softened with photoshop? I think if you want to avoid imperfections, better try avoiding it during the shooting with appropiate light settings, or otherwise just live with the details you don't like......photoretouching is only good for fasion mags and playboy shootings who want to pretend that life is perfect.. if you really didn't softened the photo with photoshop, then i better take back everything i said and need to apoligise for the model havin perfect skin! peace....
tonenya lembut sekali, tajam, dan ekspresi si model juga bagus. 3 thumbs up!
Bagus. cuma kenapa ya glowing di pipinya sangat kentara di monitor gue ?
coooll mann, eh giman yah agar bibir gak tampak pecah gitu??
keren..croping..bwnya pas..buanget...nice style....model jg cuantik...kapan2 boleh tuker2an model nih....salam kenal...
nice crop....nice BW...cukup berimbang dan matang...
halus.... lembut...
bibirnya terkesan plastik sekali, terlalu smooth?
temen nya heru memang sensual ;)) soft dan cantik dengan cropping ketat
=)) Keterangan tambahannya :)) Manteb banget nih posenya, sensual gitu...
keren mon... yapi touch up dips nya terlalu plastis idem ma uyo... but its a nice picture overall...
Fokus tajam serta BW artistik, komposisi sdh seimbang, cahaya sdh pas. Expresi obyek mengesankan.
komposisinya bagus....
muka terlalu plastis
Lembut sekali mukanya. Ngga pake filter ya? Nicely done.
ketat sekali, gak ngeap tuh? cantik bw-nya.
Keren Mon, elu emang jago kalau yang sempit eeehhh tight maksud gue
mas damon, cropping ketatnya berani .. tone BW-nya cakep .. model dan ekspresinya cantik ... good shot salam dahsyat,