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Bay ISMOYO (4497)
Foreign employee sit behind the glass door where HIV/AIDS campaign poster stick on it in Jakarta, 01 December 2003. The World Health Organization and UNAIDS warned in a report this month that HIV in Indonesia, along with China and India, is in danger of leaping from the high-risk groups and into the mainstream. Based on government figures, there are about 130,000 Indonesians currently living with HIV/AIDS, up from 110,000 last year, Pisani said in an interview with AFP. According to the UNAIDS agency, Indonesia's overall adult HIV prevalence is a "relatively low" 0.1 percent of the adult population. Pisani said the figure is low because of Indonesia's huge adult population of 115 million, a relatively small proportion of whom -- about 14 million -- engage in risky behaviour. Photograph by Bay ISMOYO
20 tahun yang lalu
foto yg bercerita ..! , manteb mas!
pesan dan nice objek.....
BWnya bagus. foto jurnalistik yg bagus sekali
Blurring orangnya tepat
mantab !!
Pegangan pintu agak menganggu , tapi tidak penting ... ... yg penting pesan dan dokumentasinya ! Isi dan pesan yg terekam oleh eksekusi yg baik dan mata yg jeli ! A purpose !
Dari segi fotografi maupun pesan foto sudah bagus!
angle yang tepat, plus moment yang pas dan komposisi yang brilian. Fotonya benar-benar penuh pesan...
bercerita...tapi dari bgnya sama posternya....ini tempat di mana ya??
Great moment, great place.... nice BW.
good capture paling aman ya gak usah 'jajan' :)
perfect journal...thanks for sharing !
nice BW, creative!
ide kreatif foto jurnalistik banget nih jeli melihat momentnya
foto buat kampanye anti aids nih mas, sharp!
Ide kreatif, fokus tajam serta moment mengesankan dan bermakna.. Cahaya sdh pas, komposisi sdh seimbang.