Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Nena (390)
De object of this pic is not de model but refraction of light fro' every pieces of hair...rnrnNo really gud for crop for sum ppl, but I like it!rnHope you like it too!! (^-^)b rn~ISO Speed Ratings: 100~
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18 tahun yang lalu
Weleh lamanya gak upload bu? mana fotomu yg keren2 itu ?
19 tahun yang lalu
Komposisi sdh baik, ide kreatif, fokus kurang tajam serta cahaya agak over expose.
great angle, nice concept, artistic lighting on the other hand small, overexposure, blurry picture. A little advice, don't trust your camera's metering on shots like these. Try a couple of times with different settings. And tripod is a must.
Yup oe juga commentnya... nice angle and theme, sekalian close up rambutnya pas disiram cahaya : ) : ) just ideas..
udah pas ama judul.. lighting ok. terlalu OE di tangan. mungkin versi colornya lebih menarik. lam kenal..
come back lagi nih... refleksinya oke juga...
Idenya menarik, tapi OE di bagian tangan ya... Salam kenal.