Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ron Rivaldy (256)
[Lens Aperture : f/5]rn[Shutter Speed : 0.6sec]rn[ISO Speed : 400]rn[Date Taken : November 21, 2004 10:25 m]rnrnWell...actually, she`s my beautiful sister.....I asked her to make up and wear a proper baju kurung with accesories during last Syawal while we were celebrating hari raya.......and I want her to be my model.....So wat do u think?....
19 tahun yang lalu
should be a ni ce photo but i think i saw something like watermark or brush when u use PS.but after all still good photo
soft n so artistic. nice lighting :) ron, ko tak cakap punya sister ek. kenalkan padaku ye :D
20 tahun yang lalu
Cahaya sdh pas dan artistik, komposisi sdh seimbang, fokus tajam serta expresi obyek mengesankan.
nice....nice lighting...nice compo...nice tone....