Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Mario Alvin (893)
it's actually one bird with two different poses.. and i was wondering of cropping the middle to put the building closer to the bird, but then i got an idea of putting those together since they can seem to talk to each other and all.. so tell me wat u think :]
20 tahun yang lalu
komposisi menarik.. objek bagus.. nice shot
angle dan komposisi menarik....... salam untuk "Effendi" hahhaa
Tone nya asik ... cuma sayang bg gedung mengganggu POI.. coba geser kanan sedikit motonya mungkin akan lebih bagus IMHO.. salam kenal..
nice picture, Alvin. Looking forward to hear your critics.