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Rik Zhan (4439)
19 tahun yang lalu
pao guang tai lihai le, wo de yanjing hao teng! hahahah yanse he tianqi man hao de !
Nice shoot.. But a little out of focus... I like the composition of the picture
I am sorry, I give my comment to your old picture. However, this picture is very eye catching among your pictures, very nice night shot, and I do appreciate you for using pocket camera for this beautiful pic.
Nice photo Rik Zhan, that is shanghai tower are you take picture from shanghai bund ?? Xie xie
yi zhang hen hao de ye jing , ke xi bao guang guo du, ni shi shi ba guang quan fang xiao, zhao pian hui geng piao liang. wo yuan yi zuo ni de wang nian zhi jiao, qing ji shang ni de wang zhi, wo men wang shang jian . xie xie lao yang
view yang menawan.. sedikit OE Rik... fokus juga kurang tajam..
komposisinya bagus. warnanya juga. sepertinya bukaan terlalu lama?
agak over exposure dibeberapa titik karena bukaan terlalu besar rik, pakai f/8 masih bagus pasti..nightview yang indah..salam
Nice view and I like the composition. Some parts are a bit overexposed and soft. Probably the aperture is too big. Anyway, nice shot!
Hen pu cuo ar.. Is that Pu Dong? Hehehe.. btw, i havent got time to translate the bulletin board. Sory ^^
kalau pake bukaan yang lebih kecil dan long exposure pasti warnanya lebih seru salam-bowo
wowww....nice lighting, viewnya indah bgt....i would like to go there...
Beautiful nigthshot... Composition and angle is good. But Blue light too bright.. Good reflection. regards masgareng
Komposisi bagus, sayang agak OE jadi banyak yang hilang detailnya.
Agak OE di beberapa titik lampu ... Salam ...
hen liang oh........shen me shi hou pai zhao?????
Nice shot. Good composition and lighting.
Nice nite shot, sedikit kurang fokus dan OE. Good piece though!
the flare is kinda too bright, rik ... but i like the reflection on the water.
wah shanghai neh.. beautiful.. cuma kayanya awannya sedikit janggal imho