Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Armand Alcazar (1937)
Another day had passed and everytime I witness a sunset, it reminds me of how lucky I am to survive another day unharmed.nnTaken at the Tanah Lot last month on my vacation in Bali.
19 tahun yang lalu
What a nice catch! this one is good, nice lighting, nice colour
I think you catch the soul in the picture Armand. The tone and the burning works are perfect. For me it's a symbol of reflection to a concluded day, time to reflect and rest. Admiring what God has given us. And your title says it all. Really like it!
nice landscape......., shoot well salam
nice oceanscape
komposisinya cakep, agak gelap saja salam GBU
A very potential picture. Too bad it's a bit dark on my pc display and a bit soft as well. Best regards, mate!
cakep moment nya jitu freming pas
Way to go man!! Good one Armand..
Tone sunsetnya cantik. Nuansa seascape view yg dramatis. Salam
Komposisi dan pengaturan cahaya bagus. Jadi pingin ke Bali nih :)
Sunset yang amat indah...!!! Tone en gradasi-nya bikin damai di hati... Salut Bro.... [antz]
nice view & composition.... tone-nya asyik dan refleksi cahaya matahari juga cakep....
nice sunset, nice view, nice compo... seneng liat pantulan langit di airnya... salam^^
gradasi warnanya keren, sukses