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Rahul Sharma (7058)
I was always thinking of photographing the famous bridge with a different perspective.. here's my take on the Golden Gate, the bridge was under heavy fog, i took the picture from a place under the bridge.
19 tahun yang lalu
very nice shot ! subtle yet clearly there to be seen. foreground is a bit too dominant to my liking though, unless it's part of the bridge (which is not ? but cmiiw).
... nice & unique pict.. good idea w/ good execution... the nice point is that which one is the bridge the golden brd or the chain..tricky huh...
I think you did not reach your concept, also it did not fulfill your title. You want to take another perspective of golden gate, but it became the blur back ground. Your pic above is very good and detail, but after reading your information and the title, I am really sorry that I could not give you 3TU. You have to match your concept and your pic.....cheer
ini yg namanya latar ga selalu harus di belakang dan obyek ga selalu harus tajam dan di depan.. bagus mas..good idea..
Simple but Artistic. Tone OK. Great Job!
detail karatannya jelas banget, tapi bagian bawahnya terlalu gelap... BGnya juga nambah nilai foto ini..... imho.. judulnya kurang pas nih, yang jadi poi kan besi karatan bukan jembatannya.... semoga berkenan.. salam