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Mie V (7255)
10-12-2005nISO 50nnAh, how glad I am that the snow is back on the mountains! I just love the glow of the sunlight on that white cover...
18 tahun yang lalu
I really love this picture.. Ilove the blue.. the sun light.. very nice.. Maybe.. if thoose people is closer is better.. Try to use small aperture (f/8 maybe) to make background and foreground sharper..
19 tahun yang lalu
or it is very early in the morning, or somewhat late in the afternoon... bella
landscape yang menarik, sedikit gelap ya
apa gra2 ultra violet jadi biru gini ya saljunya..? mau dunks ke sana...
asik nih tonenya, biru...n keliatanya dingin bgt ya warnanya. nice view. salam
syahdu dan kudu banyak duit kalo kesana.. :( terasa dalem kulkas.. hihihih.. dingiiin..
Mantap komposisinya... terasa dinginnya! :)
wah... bagus benar viewnya... tp terlalu gelap bagian putihnya sehingga birunya terlalu kelihatan... coba pake CPL biar warnanya sharp en menonjol
I love the two people on the pic. They give a nice proportion scale of the scenery on this pic. The mountains look so grand thanks to those two. =) I like this kind of picture, goes to show how big and awesome nature is compared to us men. Nice shot. =)
wah.. mantep banget viewnya.. perpaduan antara biru-dingin dari pegunungan salju.. dan kuning-hangat dari sinar mataharinya..
beautiful shot ... u even captured the moon .... the glow of sunlight feels warm .... and the blue of the snow looks freezy ... great combination !
The sunlight is specially nice, there is a beautiful shape between BG and FG, Regards
moment yang bagus
Tone biru...good...Nice photo
wow, it's so blue, the moon makes the view more beautiful. The layers captured so nice. Nice angle and nice shoot
Landscape nya asik banget .... IMHO birunya terlalu over ...
View yang bagus...lovely pic...bulan di latar bikin suasana asik...salam ^^
Tone Birunya mantapp...
nice picture...itu sekitar bulan juli?
wah nggak bisa ngomong kalau lihat pemandangan
beautiful view.. nice photo
cool! nice shot! salam..
nice blue tone over the snow... a real contrast to the far mountain... great capture... cheers :)
I love blue,,,, cool,,, nice pict... SALAM hadi