Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rahul Sharma (7058)
A parking sign, taken in day (left) and the same sign in the night (right). the letter \'A\' nit nyala.
19 tahun yang lalu
idenya mantap... keren bang.... jeli aja.... salam
Really good idea.
Menarik, idenya kreatif.. Objeknya tajam.. Salam kenal Pak Rahul.
sederhana tapi keren banget. salam
I like this, you took them at a very identical angle (If not the exact spot... did you mark the place? =D) and that makes the lighting play really effective on this collage. Nice idea. =) IMO the two pictures should be put next to each other closer, but that's just my taste.