Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Naoko Kenoshi (550)
rosemaryrnheaven restores you in lifernyou're coming with mernthrough the aging, the fear and the strifernrnit's the smiling on the packagernit's the faces in the sandrnit's the thought that moves you upwardsrnembracing me with two handsrn...rn...rn...rnrn-evil-antics/interpolrn< br>rni could hear them singing this song. people just pass by, no coins for today, but smiling in their mind.
18 tahun yang lalu
Less s more ;)
19 tahun yang lalu
sometimes i hate to write this words ^^ all of this goes to our feelin' if ya love it and always put your passions the photo will bring all the message that u wanna say..naah im just an amateur to talk like this ^^ but this is fact...street photographer can be understand sometimes..but always mean that we can take...regrads
Nice moment
beda aja ama foto2 yang ada....asik ngeliatnya...
Nice pic. Suka dengan komposisi dan anglenya nih... salam
nice moment, nice composition...greak work
great moment, i like women and men which playing music instrumen,but i don't like blur people, maybe u have another view for this pic....nice shoot.... salam
moment yang menarik, komposisi dan angle yang asyik....
komposisi yang menarik. ilustrasi yang kuat. berkonsep. [dalam gambar ini, orang yang berjalan itulah yang menceritakan keadaan sekitarnya. ironis.] salut!
tripod please......... aduh sayang nih, obyeknya bagus, nice moment, everything is there..... huhuhu..... ayo ayo hasilkan yang lebih tajam.
Nice angle. =) A little bit shaky, I think. I know the motion blur on the person in the foreground is intended, but if the musicians are more focused, I think the storytelling of this picture will be even better. Overall, interesting capture! I think we're getting another good street photographer in FN, ay? :D