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Hedi Priamajar (49168)
The construction of Saint Peter's Cathedral started in 1160 and lasted 150 years. The exterior is Romanesque in style while the interior, in the shape of a Latin cross, is in the Burgundian Gothic style. A church had been on this site in the 4th century and a baptistery was built in order to have a place to baptize the pagans. Over time, the site has been built over (the foundations for the original baptistery are under the court yard in front of the cathedral) and remodelled over time. In fact, at one time there were two churches on this site. Built as a Catholic cathedral, Calvin requisitioned it during the Protestant reformation and turned it into a Calvinistic church. (source: Internet - http://infopuq.uquebec.ca/~uss1010/orgues/suisse/genevecsp.h tml)
18 tahun yang lalu
Komposisinya menawan
Ranting-rantingnya bikin semakin indah.. Bangunannya juga terliha megah dan kokok.. Komposisi menarik.. Nice BW
bwnya udah ok, kompo dah asik, usul...gimana detail orang lebih bisa di keluarkan dikit.
cantik.. yang duduk di kursi cantik gak? gak keliyatan siiy.. *clingakclinguk*
komposisi dan framingnya cakep deh ih...
Arsitektural klasik BW yang menarik, Salam.
great compo... nice BW... ranting2nya bikin tambah cantik
Komposisi yang bagus
Angle,POI dan tonenya bikin benar benar serasa Old Town...Nice Pic.
ASYIKKKK pengen ke Swiss lagi ah,,,, ntar ajarin ya Om... Salam n GBU !!
Anglenya cakep...Nice BW.
Komposisi dan framingnya apik sekali
Great kompo pak... peace
makasih atas share infonya pak Hedi... kirain tadinya masih sebuah katedral.... komposisinya apik.. yg duduk di bangku mempermanis view
Maaf, sepertinya apa yang tertulis di boks kuning di atas boks komen ini tidak berlagu bagi foto ini ya :)