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Hedi Priamajar (49168)
Hôtel-de-Ville with an atmospheric internal arcaded courtyard, from where it’s easy to spot the different styles of the building – going counterclockwise, the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. rnrnAhead is the Alabama Room, where the Geneva Convention on the humanitarian rules of war was signed by sixteen countries in 1864, and where, in 1872, conflict between two states was solved in a neutral state for the first time, when Britain and the US settled their differences over British support for the Confederacy during the Civil War. rnrnThe League of Nations also assembled here for the first time in 1920. This is one of only three buildings in Europe to have a sloping ramp inside instead of stairs (the others are on the Loire and at Schaffhausen), both to facilitate cannons being pulled up to the ramparts and, so it’s said, to enable councillors to arrive at meetings on horseback or in their sedan chair. You can work your way up to the top – feeling like an Escher drawing come to life – but the doors are all firmly locked.rnSource : Geneva Tourism Website
18 tahun yang lalu
@@@ Nice @@@
Nice BW, framingnya cakep, Salam.
di setiap kota di europe sepertinya punya masing2 "Hôtel-de-Ville" ya.. jadi kepikiran kl di Jkt gitu mungkin kaya "Hotel Indonesia" hehe classic, as always.
frammingnya bikin keren
Mantep kang.. framingnya sip euy.......distorsinya bikin asik... nice pic
BWnya OK suasana kota lama sungguh bisa dinikmati lama-lama.
nice framing.....
cool framing..u got the "classic feel"..nice shot..
framingnya asyik sekali pakai lensa fisheye jadi unik jeli sekali untuk bisa menampilkan poi dari sudut yang berbeda great shot salam.
framing dan bwnya keren
framingnya ok banget nih b/wnya mantap SAlam
nuansa jadoelnya dapet... nice framing...
sedapp..... udah keren semua, udah ga ada yang bisa dikomen hehehehe.... emank masternya street si oom yang satu ini. framingnya, mood streetnya, bgnya yang dari 16 centuries, kombinasi yang manis banget. siplah... cheers
Framingnya asik ... BW dan kurvanya menarik ...
Framingnya mantap..
BW & efek geraknya cakep, komposisi & framing asik, fisheye nya sip..
bagus sekali deh ihhh. pintunya emang ngga nyiku yaaa?
nice framing & bw....
Framing yang manis dengan efek low speed yg OK punya. I love this pict ! saLaM, fRanS -------