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Rahul Sharma (7058)
a view of the street in the heart of amsterdam, no matter where you shoot, you cant escape the bicycles !!
18 tahun yang lalu
Cakep man! Low angle nya itu bagus.
Great composistion, great technique but you need to play with its hyper focal length, so it should be tack sharp from the front to the back ground.
anglenya cakep, salam.
Angle dan tonenya mantap...viewnya bagus juga.
Is the worm far-sighted? too much blurry foreground, he needs glasses, and quick please... :D Still in NL? greets!
keren deh ihh potonya xD ,tapi kayaknya sepedanya ganggu mata deh, (cuma selera ) grüß
anglenya oke bgt... viewnya asik... salam Nikon FM10...
Suka sekali dengan anglenya, tone nya jg oke, karakter fotonya jg kerasa. Nice one! Salaaamm..
idenya asik... tapi POI sedikit membingungkan... perspektif lorong ato sepeda? cacingnya mo liat apa nih mas rahul? hehehe... semoga berkenan salam
@@@ Gotta admit, this is nice Man. Cool tone @@@
Idenya asyik ya komposisinya bagus salam....
POI-nya yang mana?? kurang ngerti nihh... lagian emang masih ada gitu cacing di jalanan amsterdam.