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Rahul Sharma (7058)
Green and black are the traditional colours of a fisherman's village of Netherland. Green: because (katanya) there was no forests and the fishermen wanted to paint green to have a false sense of being in or near a forest/vegetation. and Black because this colour was cheap ! they used this paint to waterproof the boats too.
18 tahun yang lalu
colors and lines..luv it..
komponya mantep nih simpel tapi paten Salam
bagus bgt.. keren, sumpah deh..
nice composition...
colorful bagus
beautiful colour & composition
great concept and composition..kesan yang saya tangkap sangat "klasik".. nice shot..
wadu kren banget nih mas,warnanya fresh banget
komposisinya boleh juga.. salam manthap
concept yg cakeppp....(kalo tong sampah di kiri di crop tambah bagus mungkin yah? selera sih..) nice shot...! Salam...
Tampilan yang menarik, nice compo, Salam.