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Maria Natalia, Tan (6592)
Date Time Original: 2006:01:10 16:46:22nISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
wah angle n obyeknya keren nih,,,mantep buat cover album,,,,hehheheh,,,nice shot,,, cheers
waw............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......................salut..
hmm...judulnya sedikit kurang tepat kalo menurut saya.. as far as I know, they(soldiers and civilians alike) were executed there by the Japs, so I don't think they exactly sacrificing themselves for peace.. mabe Martyrs of War is more suitable .. tapi itu menurut saya aja sih .. Soal oldig, bagus ..
nice manipulation...like the tone...great shot...cheers'
olahannya asik banget neh mbak... komposisi dan tonenya cakep salut!! -PCN-
wah, wah...ngak mau kalah ama hadi nehhh ..... :) mantappppp....lebih oldies....
cakep olahannya
cakep nih olahannya.....
buat cover CD band Metal cocok nih. Heheh.... nice tone also. ;)
anglenya oke.. olahannya gw suka bgt deh..
mantap mba..salam 350 d
Dramatic picture. Great angle makes great composition. Old style tone makes more perfect. Salut...
hehehe ^_^ hadibw ^_^
komposisi serta anglenya sip... oldignya magnificent! salut
Serem ihhh nuansanya.... so lonely.. so empty...
oldignya keren... suasananya dapet... KOMPOnya menarik.... siip salam kenal
olahanya keren mbak gw juga punya nech foto kaya gene ajarin ngoldignya duong salam
cakep mba...mugkin aga kurang center horizontalnya (klo ga salah) or ato selera,,but this dramatic pic..regrads