Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Andy Yudhanto (5573)
Wedding candid; sambil nunggu prosesi pengantin masuk ke pelaminan, para pengiring cilik ini bersantai di ruang meeting...| AY
18 tahun yang lalu
nice perform...i think they've a secret thing for the wedding... steal the cake and eat it...hehhee...asik ...salam
hehehe Lucuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...
Foto company profile ya? Idenya ok punya nie. A Y is the best.
Hehe tuh yg cewek kayaknya udah boring
Moment yang sangat pas dan lucu.............nice pic !
hahahahha. ...... mantap, lucu banget n tampak sangat serius
cakep, cakep, cakep...., very nice candid picture..., lucu banget, salam!
simple tp bener2 lucu...he..he...he...he4209x, suka ma idenya,,salut mas..salam kenal
hahahahahahaha.. lucu.. ini lucu potonya... nice candid... ^^
Ha....ha..h.a....nice candid. Jadi ingat "The Apprentice"