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Patricia Kristy Prameswari , Kikie (11345)
Jesus, Jesus help mernI'm alone in this worldrnAnd a fucked up world it is toornTell me, tell me the storyrnThe one about eternityrnAnd the way it's all gonna bernrnWake up, wake up dead manrnWake up, wake up dead manrnrnJesus, I'm waiting here, BossrnI know you're looking out for usrnBut maybe your hands aren't freernYour father, He made the world in sevenrnHe's in charge of HeavenrnWill you put a word in for mernrnWake up, wake up dead manrnWake up, wake up dead manrnrnListen to the words, they'll tell you what to dornListen over the rythm that's confusing yournListen to the reed in the saxaphonernListen over the hum of the radiornListen over sounds of blades in rotationrnListen through the traffic and circulationrnListen as hope and peace try to rhymernListen over marching bands playing out their timernrnWake up, wake up dead manrnrnWake up, wake up dead manrn[Wake Up Dead Man - u2]rnrnrnrnrnYou said You'd give me eyes in a moon of blindness, You said You'd give me a river in a time of dryness ... And so with You I know I'll be save, in any road I scale...rnDi persimpangan jalan ... Jadikanlah semua indah pada waktunya
18 tahun yang lalu
kompo siip, keren, judul pass bgt, seneng sama tone awannya...
konsep yang menarik kie,,nice pic,,salam ..........
angle, framing dan komposisinya ok .. tapi eksposurenya berantakan .. ruang gelapnya membingungkan .. antara siluete dan nggak ... fotonya terkesan under nggak selaras dengan cuaca langit yang sepertinya terik ...
konsepnya keren..warnanya jga manis..lebih idup klo ada orangnya..IMHO lho..salam...
asyik banget..nice photo
Nice photo, nice landscape. salam kenal :)
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu, Bertanyalah dalam DOA, dan jangan ingkari kata hati.
Cantik banget tonenya.. komposisinya juga TOP..
angle & komposisinya cakep...nice shot, salam
Miss U girl ..... How re U .....
agak gelap ya .. tapi malah bikin seger . mantap low anglenya . thanks
wihh...keren sekali anglenya. warnanya juga endah.
seger seger seger warnanya
tonenya asik..........kompose mantab.......
Suka U2 juga...(Album POP itu) Komposisi apik..tone nendang banget.... Salam...Wandering Man (Find it on Zooropa)
back to nature kie??d200 lo istirahat?hehehehe...lensa lo yg satu ini emang cihui banget....gw ga gt sreg sm warna birunya ki...
Viewnya cantik sekali, efek fisheye-nya terekam bagus. Terlalu gelap di monitor saya. Angle-nya juga mantap...
cantik angle dan komposisinya..warna kurang demen..selera sih :)
WUIIIHH... ditinjau dari segi dramatisasi oke banget (opo toh) heheh... serius mbak keren banget... regard dan salam jepret
cantik mbak view nya tone nya seger mantaff salam kenal
Perspective & komposisinya cakep nich... Salam