Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Raymond A. Abbott (18080)
my little girl jumpshot in the beach. she likes beach but not the water
18 tahun yang lalu
nice angle lho ... penempatan anjingnya d sudut kiri bagus lho
This is great pict. The composition is very nice. I like the sunlight that light the subject and the tone also nice
tajam...komponya ok...salam
Fotonya cukup berbicara, nice POI. Salam
well composed, well exposed :)
anjingnya lucu yah
komposisinya bagus. Backgroundnya sengaja dibuat kabur ya
Kok bisa? Alergi air? Mama mia.... very nice colour,gara-gara matahari daerah sono kali ye...
Komposisinya baugus banget....salu...salam.
great coompo..keren bgt bg-fg nya mas.
angle dan POI nya menarik.....salam
goldenmix ya ?? tajam dan mantap pose nya :) salam (buat doggienya jg ya) - like d dog too
It looks great. Every aspect is perfect.. keren aviiiiss.