Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rizaldi Soetalaksana (1802)
If you want to know melbourne better, you should come to this beach, is not the most beautiful beach you ever saw... but hell !!! it has the most delicious seafood restaurant in the world
18 tahun yang lalu
good perspective captured in a superb black and white contrast tone... just make a little correction in the horizon line... hehehheheheheh..gini atuh jepret sndirii.... Jeprett truss diiii...... hayu atuh gancang ka jakarta...kita moto gadis2x ..hehhehhehh.....
miring mas...kalau misalnya anglenya agak keatas dikit kayaknya lebih bagus imho lho...smoga berkenan
kompo ama angle nya bagus nih ... jepret terus, he he ... salam ...
Great compo with nice angle to captured.... good job !!
Kalau boleh berkomentar, orang diujung terlalu jauh... almost unnoticable.. ada vigneting di ujung foto (bisa diperbaiki di Adobe RAW)... Angle tanggung yah, tengah ngak, miring ngak.. ditengahin lagi aja biar lebih balance perspectivenya... Very nice pic overall..
Loving the simplicity here, also that little person in the middle. ;)