Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Widhiari Murti (628)
this picture is not digitally cropped, edited, or retouched in any way... i just used photoshop to resize it so it can be uploaded in www.fotografer.net : )rnrni was mesmerized cos i thought am gonna have to use a tripod. it was indoor and eventhough i sat next to a window, it was actually very very cloudy outside. but unexpectedly the speed can go up to 1/60, so...rnrnplease give comments on this one hehehe...
18 tahun yang lalu
Ide yang sangat kreatif. Komposisi dan angle yang keren.....Bikin lapar saja nih ha ha ha...salam
angle-nya suka nehh... :)
kurang tajam gambarnya / POInya...malah yang tajam / fokus dijeruk nipisnya...backgroundnya udah mantap mendukung POInya... ayo semangat... salam
a little bit blur wid... yep, mungkin perlu tripod ;) tp compo dah ok kok, tonenya alami pula. sip! Keep upload!
ide yg menarik dan bikin lapar hahaha, angle-nya bagus tapi masih kurang tajam dan agak "shaky" mungkin krn speed yg cuma 1/60. Upload terus yah, salam kenal
nice shot...keep JEPRET..salam dr JAPAN