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Hendra Saputra (655)
Date Time Original: 2007:02:03 07:33:46nISO Speed Ratings: 400nI just can't resist the curios eyes this little kid sitting in front of me on a flight from Soroako. He's just sit there with the curios eyes, looking out the window
18 tahun yang lalu
Nice snapshot...cakep mas...
Wee....momentnya pas. Sederhana, tapi bisa cerita banyak.. Lihat ekspresi natural anak itu..Keren.
mantap. cakep banget momennya. salam kenal.
anglenya apik .. moment & ekspresinya dapet ,suka banget liat tatapannya ... salam
hehehe...lucu ekspressinya......
woww...cakep moment nya...