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Abas Karim (22543)
Terinspirasi judul potonya Rifky....hehehehe...rnrnrnMakasih udah mampir...Kritik & saran masih di nantikan
18 tahun yang lalu
Wuih tajem dan keren tonalnya. Jelas ini foto yang keren!
Hhehhehehe...... tone di BG_nya mateeeee!!!!!!!
Siluetnya cakep...tonenya mantap sekali...keren!
Astaga...... siluetnya gila banget.... keren sekali... tajam dan wow tonenya cuakep buanget!!!
Mantap......Komposisi...........langitnya keren. (Untuk ke Togian mungkin torang bisa atur jalan bersama teman-teman yang lain. Sudah ada kapal dari pelabuhan Gorontalo ke Togian).......... salam hangat selalu
Bung Abas, tonenya cakep amat sih. Bikin ngiler aja neh
great silhoutte picture...great composition and moment captured perfectly in this picture...great shot mas Abas...salam
Keren siluet foto modelnya
Komposisi siluetnya bagus, tone langitnya bersih! nice shot bro!
no doubt.. grup Limboto jago2 siluet dan gradient warna.. salam hormat
silhouette+kompo jadi manteb sekali...
Siluet yang tajam dengan backlighting senja manjadi BG yang cantik manis... superb.
Landscape dengan siluet yang mengagumkan... nice tone, salam jepret.
bagus silhuete nya...
nice.....keren neh fotonya...always cool!! ^0^v
siluet tajam, dengan BG langit yg bergradasi warnanya..indah
komposisi obect depan dengan siluet tone nya pas banget. nice capture.
amazing silhouette, keren tonenya, momennya juga cakep
sedap siluetnya...tonenya tetep yahud...salut...salam
Komposisi siluetnya cakep, nice tone, Salam.
siluet dan tone nya khas sekali deh!!! salam
nice siluet....tonenya cakep mas....salam kenal
ha...10x :D dua2nya...kalau malam nelayan...kalau sunset jadi foto modelnya Bung Abas....:D
cakep sekali...siluetnya sangat menawan....asik d...salam hangat
Take Away My Pain [Lyrics: John Petrucci dedicated to John E. Petrucci] I was sitting on the edge of his bed Staring at the headlines on the paper He said, "look at poor gene kelly I guess he won't be singing in the rain." You can take away my heroes Can you take away my pain Take away my pain Leave the cold outside Please don't let it rain Don't stumble on my pride Take away my pain I'm not frightened any more Just stay with me tonight I'm tired of this fight Soon I'll be knocking at your door She was standing by the edge of his bed Staring at the message on their faces He said, "what else can you do babe? I guess I won't be coming home again." They just took away all my promises Make them take away my pain Take away my pain Leave the cold outside Please don't let it rain Don't stumble on my pride Take away my pain I'm not frightened any more Just stay with me tonight I'm tired of this fight Soon I'll be knocking at your door His final scene The actor bows And all those years Are gone somehow The crowd applauds The curtain fails I was standing by the edge of the water I noticed my reflection in the waves Then I saw you looking back at me And I knew that for a moment You were calling out my name You took away my hero Will you take away my pain Take away my pain Let the cold inside It's time to let it rain There's nothing left to hide Take away my pain I'm not frightened any more I'm learning to survive Without you in my life Til you come knocking at my door.......