Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Steve Chong, arps (19245)
I felt I was lead by her gaze into her thoughts, yet was lost in her world... rnThe mud on her hand, face and neck could do little but to add to her charm.rnI was enslaved....
16 tahun yang lalu
'Menyentuh banget nih foto'. ekspresif.,
17 tahun yang lalu
Put the subjetc a little bit on the left will make me feeling as you did when you were taking this picture....
A beautiful portrait, a beautiful girl. And it reminds me of the girl that Steve McCurry took her portrait of in one of his books.
arghhh hurt..
Keren portraitnya. Tangannya yang hitam kotor dan ekspresi si kecil.... nice shot. mahesa w.
Such story... great natural colour
Nice shot, I like it.
great picture...capturing great expressiona and perfect DoF...great shot om Steve...salam
=D> =D> =D> =D> ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
dramatis...menyentuh..indah amat berkarakter...nice shot bro...salam
very humanist.. really touching.. nicely captured!!
udah gede jadi pemain film nih anak! ekspresinya nendang!!! salam -augina
wah potret yg mengibakan..mantab kali om...salam
fotonya keren baget...............ekspresi natural........fotonya "calm but deadly".
Mak...gak maen2 nih fotonya nih bos...sangat berkarakter!!!....VOTED!!!...salam...
really ...really touching.... let the picture talks
foto potrait yang humanis nih mas.. ekspresif.. tonesnya juga cakep.... salam
posenya cakep.. sadis euy.. salam dari semarang.
Potret yang cukup bercerita. Ekspresinya baik sekali.