Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Steve Chong, arps (19245)
17 tahun yang lalu
I don't like how you cropped you pic, there an empty space on the right of your subject and your subject were cropped too tight.
totally awesome..
Wouw ... great moment; great object; it is very touchy! Congratulations. It is inspired me to be more patient looking for such an object. Great!
nice object and moment....but tonalnya agak kurang lah nii.... :D
cantik kali si tukang kasut
one life captured nicely. great moment. salam dari Xian, China
wih....BWnya muantep...ekspresinya natural...nice moment n nice pic...IMHO salam
BW image yg dasyat, ...humanist !! cakep compo, moment & tone nya... salam
Bwnya matang sekali...pengen bisa ah
ekspresinya natural bgt... momentnya pas.... mantab ... salam :)
Tajam, Xpresinya tertangkap baik... salut, Nice Snapshot...., great BW ..... salam
nice Bw...nice Pic..salam, Alfend : )
luv the angle, well chosen tone, cool humane shot, cheers'
nice moment....nice shot !!!!
tajem bgt bw nya.. momen dan composisi pas bgt.. nuansa foto nya idup bgt.. saaaaluut.. salam