Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Yogi Kusuma, geeh (19770)
My Personal Portofolio of Photography and Digital Imaging, fourth photo from the series of learning how to make a clean and natural photos. rnrn------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------rnrnMo del : Sorry mate, it`s me again, and again (God speed) :D rnWardrobe : 1223 Props. rnLocation : 1223 KitchenRawk Avenue, My room.rnCategory : Comercial photos, self portrait (wannabe). rnLighting : Bouncing Flash rnISO : 200.
17 tahun yang lalu
you got it all....
Good Work! cu Peter
hahaha, untung km dah potong rambut!!! :D
asik lighting-nya bos. -salam-
tetep keren
keren bro.......
nice..lightingnya mantap..salam
tone asik..natural banget..
whemmmm..konsep tual...kontrash tonna cakep..saleum
Selalu suka dengan tone-tone foto anda, salute!!