Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture was taken as learning point to captured animal and wild life scenery. As can be seen in the picture, there's a wild cow that waiting for some time for companion. Please apologize on the quality of picture due to resize, and also I realized it is still far from sufficient picture. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestion from FNers are most welcome and appreciated...manythanks...bukitnnDate Time Original: 2007:04:14 13:59:54nISO Speed Ratings: 100
17 tahun yang lalu
Awas disreruduk! Di HK ada sapi jg yaa??
Hahahaha....nungguin mas bukit kali.
Komponya OK Bro...tone nya juga bagus...salam
Suka aku dengan komposisi dan objeknya terhadap lingkungan sekelillingnya..menonjol banget si sapinya..mantap 'n salam salim oom Bukit
Tumben boss mojok ama yg ini hehehehe..............s@L@m
hmm.. i dont find the picture interesting.. tone is ok but apart fm that the picture is just a random snapshot...
msh ada ya... kirain beton semua.. mantap mas
tone colornya apik dan terasa natural ... POInya asyik tuh komposisinya .. salam
wueee isolasinya keren mas...bagus nih olahannya mas...salam
nice tone ......coba croppingnya lebih ketat lagi pasti lebih bagus... kasihan si sapi sendirian.....good job
Nice compo dan tonenya nih............. salam damai.
apa kabar mas? simple ... tapi nuansanya bisa dibangun dengan baik Mas... iyach lama banget Mas Bukit ndak kelihatan....
woww.... angle dan tone alaminya cakep oom... nice shot, salam
rada under gak ya.....
Cakep isolasi objectnya, komponya dan tonalnya,...salam dari atas lautan Africa
Nice tone,... great. salam
Nice compo bro....nice shoot!
nice tone nih.. nice komposisi... cakep olahannya... salut dah.. salam kenal ya.. Rikky